Worshipful Brother Kirouac at the Tomb of George Washington“To enlarge the sphere of social happiness is worthy of the benevolent design of a Masonic institution; and it is most fervently to be wished, that the conduct of every member of the fraternity, as well as those publications, that discover the principles which actuate them, may tend to convince mankind that the grand object of Masonry is to promote the happiness of the human race.” - Brother George Washington. | Dr. Frank AlboIn 2016 Dr. Frank Albo who holds degrees in Ancient Near Eastern languages (Toronto), Western Esotericism (Amsterdam), and the History of Art and Architecture, receiving his MPhl and PhD from University of Cambridge and a Professor of History at University of Winnipeg visited Dryden GSL 484. He is the code-breaking protagonist in the best-selling book, The Hermetic Code and has lectured internationally as well as here in Dryden Ontario. | At Lodge DinnerSome of the most engaging and profitable conversations you will have at lodge... with some pretty cool people. And it involves no technology. |